Orcid profile issue
We are aware that there is an issue with importing Orcid ID for authors and co-authors. We are investigating, in the meantime please let us know and we can add the ID manually.
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We are aware that there is an issue with importing Orcid ID for authors and co-authors. We are investigating, in the meantime please let us know and we can add the ID manually.
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The International Marine Energy Journal (IMEJ) is a community enabled and led open access publication with the aim to publish original, high quality, state of the art articles relating to wave and tidal energy technologies (marine renewable energy) and their environmental and socio-economic aspects.
Submitted articles should cover fundamental and applied research, including: case studies; field deployment and testing; technical, economic and socio analysis; and laboratory based studies covering wave and tidal energy. The Journal topics follow those addressed under the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference (EWTEC) and associated international conferences and meetings. These include:
In addition to submitted articles, special issues emanating from associated and relevant conferences and meetings will also be published in the journal. The IMEJ also welcomes review articles relevant to marine renewable energy topics as well as cross-cutting topics from other fields that are of relevance to wave and tidal energy.
There are currently NO Article Processing Charges (APC), submission charges any any other fees to be paid in order to publish an article in IMEJ; publication is free. More...
The IMEJ (ISSN 2631-5548) is the journal of the European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference.
C/O Sustainable Energy Research Group, Room 4007, Building 178, Southampton Boldrewood Innovation Campus, Southampton, SO16 7QF, UK